Shimano SL-8S31 Nexus 8 Speed Revo Shifter


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UPC: 689228327610

Shimano SL-8S31 Nexus 8 Speed Revo Shifter

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The Shimano SL-8S31 Nexus 8 Speed Revo Shifter is designed for smooth and efficient gear shifting on bikes equipped with the Shimano Nexus 8-speed internal hub. This shifter is known for its easy operation and reliable performance, making it a popular choice for both casual riders and daily commuters.

Product Specifications:

  • Brand: Shimano
  • Model Number: SL-8S31
  • Shifter Type: REVOSHIFT
  • Rear Speeds: 8
  • Color Options: Black, Silver
  • UPC: 689228327610

Key Features:

  • Lighter Shifting Feel: The design includes a longer grip for a lighter and more comfortable shifting experience.
  • Improved Adjusting Barrel: Enhances stable shifting performance, ensuring smooth transitions between gears.
  • Easy-to-Use Revo Shifter: The REVOSHIFT design allows for quick and intuitive gear changes by twisting the shifter.
  • Durable Construction: Made from high-quality materials to withstand regular use and provide long-lasting performance.


  • Commuter Bikes: Ideal for city bikes and commuters who require reliable and easy-to-use gear shifting.
  • Touring Bikes: Suitable for touring bikes that need dependable shifting for various terrains.
  • Recreational Bikes: Great for casual riders who want an easy and comfortable shifting experience.

General Installation and Setup:

  1. Preparation:
    • Ensure you have the necessary tools, including a 5mm Allen wrench and a cable cutter.
    • Gather the SL-8S31 shifter and any additional components required for installation.
  2. Removing Old Shifter:
    • If replacing an existing shifter, remove the handlebar grip and loosen the clamp bolt on the old shifter.
    • Slide the old shifter off the handlebar and disconnect the gear cable from the derailleur.
  3. Installing the New Shifter:
    • Slide the SL-8S31 shifter onto the handlebar and position it comfortably for the rider.
    • Tighten the clamp bolt using a 5mm Allen wrench to secure the shifter in place.
  4. Connecting the Gear Cable:
    • Thread the new gear cable through the shifter and along the frame to the Nexus 8-speed hub.
    • Connect the cable to the hub according to the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring it is properly tensioned and secured.
  5. Adjusting the Shifter:
    • Use the adjusting barrel on the shifter to fine-tune the cable tension for optimal shifting performance.
    • Shift through all 8 gears to ensure smooth and accurate transitions.
  6. Replacing the Handlebar Grip:
    • Slide the handlebar grip back into place and secure it as needed.

Maintenance Tips:

  • Regular Testing: Periodically shift through all gears to ensure the shifter and hub are functioning correctly.
  • Cable Maintenance: Check the gear cable for fraying or damage and replace it if necessary to maintain smooth shifting.
  • Cleaning: Keep the shifter clean and free of dirt to ensure optimal performance.
  • Lubrication: Apply a light lubricant to the moving parts of the shifter to maintain smooth operation.

Safety and Compliance:

  • Proper Installation: Ensure the shifter is securely installed and the gear cable is properly tensioned to avoid shifting issues.
  • Compatibility: Verify that the shifter is compatible with the Shimano Nexus 8-speed hub before installation.
  • Regular Maintenance: Perform regular maintenance to ensure the shifter continues to operate smoothly and reliably.

The Shimano SL-8S31 Nexus 8 Speed Revo Shifter is an excellent choice for cyclists seeking a reliable and easy-to-use gear shifter. Its lighter shifting feel, improved adjusting barrel, and durable construction make it suitable for a wide range of bikes, including commuter, touring, and recreational bikes. Proper installation and regular maintenance will ensure optimal performance and long-term reliability.


Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 4 in


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